Almost two weeks ago, I hosted a Self-Care retreat for my 35th birthday. I must say even now my heart and soul are still full. I’m big on celebrating my birthday and when God continues to fill my cup I will continue to take it and pour it into others. The retreat itself was a mood. Although we were missing a few I enjoyed everyone who was able to make it and make that day possible.
My 35th birthday retreat was in full support of my blog The Journey Well Collection and Self-Care.
The retreat was filled w/ Morning Yoga with Taylor Sarreen, we created Self-Care jars, a self-care playlist, received a body butter from Soleil Essentials, and the ladies left with either an Affirmation, Journal Prompt, or intention to help them end the year.
Self-Care Jars: Each person took 3-5 popsicle sticks and wrote self-care ideas that they vowed to treat themselves to. (i.e. massage, a day shopping, facial, new purse, etc.) whatever this may look like for you. Just treat yourself.
Self-Care Playlist: Each person received a small journal and we went around the circle allowing each person to choose a song to play that helps them get through or just a favorite song in general. Each person added the songs to what we have now created as the Self-Care Playlist. I must say that I love the variety of genre selections and I myself have been listening to this playlist frequently.
Before I go, let me remind you... Self-care isn’t selfish it’s necessary and as much as you can and when you can you should definitely incorporate it in your life.
Click the link to vibe to our Journey Well Gems Self-Care Playlist! Be sure to let me know how you enjoyed the list.
Love and Life Friend,